"you think you can just walk up and join the exclusive Collectors?
Well, you would be right!
This is the place where you can learn all about the Collectors Guild, who they are, and how to join!
Who are the Collectors?
The Collectors Guild is pretty much what is says on the tin, a group dedicated to collecting! Whether it be currency, items, or even dreams, this group embraces all collections! Higher ranking members tend to be on the more wealthy side, though there's no restrictions against collectors of more conventionally trivial things from also joining. This guild is run by the owner of the Bean Bank, Percivel.
Guild Details
Guild Leader: Percivel
Headquarters: Viridian Island
Guild Colours: Silver and Gold
Guild Emblem:
The emblem is usually depicted as a golden coin. The design can vary.
How to Join
In order to join this guild you must first complete the following prompts:
Civillian: Depict your beanling showing off their collection.
For this prompt you must draw or write about your beanling showing off their collection. Are they a collector of seeds? Maybe they really like fashion? Or do they just love spoons? Show us: What does your beanling collect?
Prospective Member: Depict your beanling with their most prized possession.
For this prompt you must draw or write about your beanling with the one item they love the most. This item stands out from the rest of the collection, why? Perhaps it was passed down to them? Maybe it's their most valuable item? Tell us why that item of anything is particularly important to your beanling.
Initiate Member: Depict your beanling showing off their Collectors attire!
For this prompt you must draw or write about your beanling wearing an outfit or apparel inspired by the Collectors. You must at least have the guild emblem somewhere on the design. Backgrounds are not required for this prompt, and written entries must have a minimum word count of 300.
New Recruit: Depict your beanling helping someone with their collection.
For this prompt you must draw or write about your beanling aiding someone else who is struggling with a problem their collection can solve. Perhaps they can lend an item to fix the issue, or perhaps they can part with one of their many items for a good cause! Or, well, if they really can't part with any of the items in their hoard, they could just help a fledgeling collector get their first few items.
- Art must not be reused.
- Art must be at least clean sketched and flat coloured.
- Backgrounds are required unless otherwise stated; they can be simple, but should at least imply an environment for the characters.
- Written entries have a minimum word count of 600 Words per prompt, unless otherwise stated.
- Your entry will only apply for one beanling which you must state in the comments, however, you can include other characters.