Site Sales
[Open] Sprouting 2023 Flaffle!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by CeruWELCOME TO THE ANNUAL SPROUTING FLAFFLE!
A Flaffle is a flat sale raffle, meaning all the left over sprouting beanlings and blightlings will be raffled off for a set price.
A beanling is the baby stage of a flowerling, and a blightling is the baby stage of a witherling. You will only be purchasing the baby stage - The Flowerling or Witherling form can only be obtained via the following methods:
- Purchased with group currency (Beans), which can be earned through participation in the Bealing Patch ARPG!
- Purchased with USD/Points from Ceru or Sugar
- Won as a prize from an event held by the group
Beanlings can participate in all group activities unless otherwise stated.
Each beanling is 15 USD, unless you are a FTO! First Time Owners can get their first bean or blight for 5 USD. This discount applies to beanlings and blightlings 1-27.
Payment is to be made within 48hrs of winning unless previously discussed. If you're uncertain about payment plans, please note Ceru.
Before entering, please make sure to read the Terms of service.
Then head over to either of this google form!
Sprouting Entry Form
Please select which beanlings and/or blightlings you would like to be in the draw to win. You must also note if you have a win limit - please also note your preferred win order!
You will have two days to enter the Flaffle. The forms will close before the raffle is drawn late on August 1st on the Discord.
[Open] Sprouting 2023
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by CeruWELCOME TO THE SPROUTING EVENT 2022!
Every year, around the time of the new year and at the height of the romantic and magical season, many beanlings are overcome with the wish to connect and combine with one another. Two flowerlings will come together and participate in a ritual that will combine both their magic and their desires into a new wish. The process creates a brand new beanling seedling, which is quickly infused with their parents' wish and magic and immediately blossoms into a new beanling. This is how beanlings are able to reproduce by themselves. However, this ability is only available for one month a year; outside of the sprouting month all new beanlings are simply made from other creatures' wishes.
This year has been incredibly chaotic in both Vales, and few Flowerlings and Witherlings found themselves in a mood to sprout. Now that things are settling back down a bit, wishes are flying through the air. Most Flowerlings and Witherlings aren’t too worried about this as Sprouting Season has passed, but with dew levels at an all time high they’re certainly in for a surprise
How does the Sprouting Event work?
The Sprouting is a somewhat simple event. It works as follows:
- Get two flowerlings or witherlings (Both your own, friends or NPCs) and apply to purchase a breeding slot if available. Only Flowerlings and Witherlings may participate in this event.
- If chosen by Ceru or Sugar, you will have the option to purchase a batch of up to five beanlings (max two pre-claimed per owner) and lock in certain traits for an additional cost.
- If chosen by one of our other artists, they will create a batch of 3 beanling designs based on the parents (Traits will be rolled based on the parents with some random chance)
- You will be able to choose 1 design from the batch (Or 2 if you bought both slots)
- The left over beanlings will then be flat sale raffled to the rest of the group!
Our 2023 Artists:
B-P Sprouting Event Bases by Ceru
B-P Sprouting Event Bases by Sugar
- Sprouting sign-ups will run from June 16th to June 30th. Slots are being chosen and worked on early this year by Ceru and Sugar, and can be claimed before this period ends, so be on the alert!
- Sprouting pairs will be eligible to be picked from June 23rd-July 23rd, with all pairs to be finished and released publicly by July 30th.
- Sprouting designs will be released throughout the month of July, with the unclaimed beans going up for raffle on July 31st.
- There will be a minimum of 10 batches chosen overall.
- You must post your breeding pair to this sales page in reply to the correct breeding comment.
There are two base options available:
- Full slot: 30 USD
- * A full slot means you are supplying both parents (You may split this with a friend). If you are purchasing a full slot by yourself you will get 2 beanlings, if you are splitting, you and your friend will get 1 beanling each unless otherwise discussed between you. Each beanlings value will be 15 USD on the masterlist.
- *Like last year, Priority Pairings will be available. You may only submit one pairing to this category per user for the whole event. This category is for your most desired pairing and is the first choice for artists when picking pairings so remember to choose carefully. Additional pairings are to be submitted to the regular Full Slot comment.
- Half slot: 15 USD
- * A half slot means you are only supplying one of the parents and requesting a Player Character + NPC or NPC + NPC pairing. You are free to request an NPC pairing (Your choice or random). If purchasing this slot you will receive 1 beanling from the batch. Available NPCs can be found here. (Blank and Void are excluded from Sprouting as they have not bloomed).
- ** Single and ready to mingle! This slot can also be used to pair random player Flowerlings and Witherlings. This means that you can submit a single Flowerling or Witherling and be paired with another, randomly selected player Flowerling or Witherling. You will each get 1 beanling from the batch unless you choose to purchase a second from Ceru or Sugar if chosen.
There are also two additional options available if your pairing is chosen by Ceru or Sugar:
- Additional slot: +15 USD Each
- By choosing this option, you can add on one extra sprout to be designed in your batch. Limit one per player per batch. (IE, if two players are going in on one pair together, each can pre-claim two sprouts each, with one left over for the flaffle, for a total batch of five sproutlings. If one player is going in on a full slot, they may also claim one extra sprout, to obtain three claimed designs and give one for the flaffle, in a total batch of four sproutlings.)
- After Edits:
- After sprouts have been chosen by their new owners, the owners will have the option of choosing to either Add or Edit a single trait per sprout! This option will be to either add on an additional trait/mutation to their chosen sprout, or to replace one of the rolled traits with one of their choice. This will have two price tiers:
- Minor Add/Edit: +5 USD Each. Requires less than 10% of the linework to be changed on the sproutling.
- Major Add/Edit: +10 USD Each. Requires greater than 10% of linework to be changed on the sproutling.
- Artists accepting these edits will re-work the design to include the new trait, and the owner will receive the updated design. If the updates made are not to the owner’s liking, they may be provided the original .psd files in order to continue edits easily themselves past that point and can submit a character update as per usual on-site as needed after that point.
- After sprouts have been chosen by their new owners, the owners will have the option of choosing to either Add or Edit a single trait per sprout! This option will be to either add on an additional trait/mutation to their chosen sprout, or to replace one of the rolled traits with one of their choice. This will have two price tiers:
All payments must follow the Terms of service and by purchasing a slot you agree to the TOS.
Payments must be received within 24hrs of being chosen unless otherwise discussed with the artist. If payment is not received your slot may be dropped. All purchases are final so please be 100% sure of your purchase.
For those applying for a Priority Pairing full slot, please submit the following form in reply to the Priority Pairing comment thread:
Flower/Witherling 1:
Flower/Witherling 2:
Partner's Name: (N/A if you own both. Partners please confirm!)
Payment option: (Paying for whole slot or splitting)
Payment Info: (Either include your paypal for invoicing or a preferred contact for DMing info, Discord/DA notes)
I confirm that this is my priority pairing!
(Optional) Quick description of your couple: (What they are like together and what their dreams/wishes would be)
For those applying for a Full Slot, please submit the following form in reply to the Full Slot comment thread:
Flower/Witherling 1:
Flower/Witherling 2:
Partner's Name: (N/A if you own both. Partners please confirm!)
Payment option: (Paying for whole slot or splitting)
Payment Info: (Either include your paypal for invoicing or a preferred contact for DMing info, Discord/DA notes)
(Optional) Quick description of your couple: (What they are like together and what their dreams/wishes would be)
For those applying for a half slot with a Player Flower/Witherling + NPC or NPC + NPC pairing, please submit the following form in reply to this comment thread:
Flower/Witherling 1:
Flower/Witherling 2:
Original Owner's Name: (N/A if you are using both NPCs. Owners for borrowed Flowerlings please confirm!)
Payment Info: (Either include your paypal for invoicing or a preferred contact for DMing info, Discord/DA notes)
(Optional) Quick description of your couple: (What they are like together and what their dreams/wishes would be)
For those applying for a half slot as a "Single and ready to mingle!", please submit the following form in reply to this comment thread:
Payment Info: (Either include your paypal for invoicing or a preferred contact for DMing info, Discord/DA notes)
I am single and ready to mingle!
Can I design my own beanlings if I purchase a slot?
No, you may not design your own beanlings. By purchasing a slot you are buying a randomly created design by one of our artists based on the parents chosen.
What if I don't like any of the designs from my batch?
Unfortunately there will be no full redos or major changes made to breeding batches, thus please be 100% certain when purchasing. These are random designs based on the markings and traits of the chosen parents. If the artist allows, you may be able to request a single trait be added or edited on the design you choose from your batch, but this is up to artist discretion and is not meant to be an intensive process. If you choose to get an edit done and are still unhappy with the design, you are welcome to resell your chosen beanling for the price you have paid per each beanling, including the edit charge, or seek out further edits from a consenting artist at their given price afterwards.
My partner or I purchased more than one bean in a batch from Ceru/Sugar, how does choosing work ?
Both partners should come to an agreement on their first bean and lock it in with Ceru or Sugar before the other bean/s are chosen. If both partners are choosing a second bean, this also needs to be mutually agreed upon with both partners. This must be accomplished within 24 hours of receiving designs unless otherwise stated.
What if my partner and I both like the same design and can't come to an agreement?
If there is a dispute between users regarding design claims please try to sort out the issue privately first. If for whatever reason a resolution cannot be made within 24hrs of intervention by moderators, then we reserve the right to use random chance dice rolls to determine ownership. This is to try and keep things fair for all users. If you do not wish to have a dice roll for possible ownership then you must come to an agreement with your partner. Once the dice is rolled, there will be no tolerance for further conflict. If you are dissatisfied, you may resell or trade your alternate design for one more to your liking.
I don't own a flowerling or witherling, can I still join?
Yes! You may purchase a half slot and use any of the NPCS available. You can also borrow a friend's flowerling, however, you will need proof of the owner's consent to allow this.
I really like more than 1 of the designs, can I buy more than 1?
Unfortunately you can only choose 1 design from the batch (Unless you bought a full slot and supplied both parents or have purchased additional slots beforehand). However, you are more than welcome to enter the flat sale raffle to try and win additional designs.
What are the chances for traits?
You can find the trait chance breakdown here.
When will the flat sale raffle be held?
The flat sale raffle will be held on July 31, 2023, time is TBA. You will have 72hrs to enter via a google form. The winners will be rolled in the discord chat once closed.
[Open] Pumpkin Patch Bat
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Ceru
Fall is here and an orange beanling makes their entrance! Wearing a pumpkin for a hat and decorated with vines, they're ready for the autumn festivities!
This beanling was a collaboration between Ceru and I! I did the concept and lineart, Ceru finished with the color and design! <3 We hope you like Pumpkin Patch Bat!~
Auction will end 48 hours after the last bid!
SB (start bid): $15
MI (minimum increase): $5
AB (auto buy): $40
[Open] Intergalactic Flowerling
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by CeruThis bean was a collab between Spottednova and myself!

This Auction is running on Deviantart!
[Open] Starfall Joker
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Ceru
Welcome, one and all, to the fabulous Starfall Faire celebration!~
This year a colorful jester has made an appearance before the festivities come to a close! I do hope you like them!~
Starfall Joker
Ear: Floppy (common)
Feeler: Pom (common)
Wing: Dragonfly (common)
Tail: Medium (common)
Flower: Other - Plush (legendary)
Body: Brush (common)
Body: Halo (rare)
Body: Other - Glitter (legendary)
Body: Fluffy Cheeks (common)
Dew: Droplet (uncommon)
Dew: Colored (common)
Tail: Bud (uncommon)
Design comes with ornate robes or armor! Winner of the auction gets to pick!~
Check out Dragonprr's Auction on DA!
[Open] Sweet Starry Beanlings DA Auction
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by admin
[Open] May Flowers
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by CeruSpring Flowers

SB: 20$
MI: 1$
Ear Type: Fairy (Rare)
Feeler Type: Moth (Common)
Wing Type: Butterfly (Common)
Multi Tail (Rare)
Fluffy Cheeks (Common)
Floral Dew (Common)
Jellyfish (Rare)
Fairy Hips (Rare)
Soft Lace

Ear Type: Floppy (Uncommon)
Feeler Type: Winglet (Rare)
Wing Type: Butterfly (Common)
[Open] Rainbow Hues
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by adminThis auction is being held on DA.
This auction will run until the last bid has stood for 24hrs.
Please make sure to bid in a chain by replying to the previous bidder!
*AB will receive 5 x Patreon Potion Vouchers to spend at the Gold Shop. Vouchers can be exchanged for one of the following: Mind Potion, Body Potion or Legendary Mutation Potion*

#1 Shallow Pearls
1 Stat (Body) (Common)
Mind Stat:
1 Stat (Mind) (Common)
Owner: ???
#2 Waves of Foam
1 Stat (Body) (Common)
Mind Stat:
1 Stat (Mind) (Common)
Owner: ???
Become a Patron on Patreon!
Follow me on Twitter!
[Closed] Painted Egg GA Auction
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by adminThis auction is being held on DA.
This auction will run until the last bid has stood for 24hrs.
Please make sure to bid in a chain by replying to the previous bidder!

Painted Egg
[Closed] Pot Of Gold GA Beanling
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by adminThis auction is being held on DA.
This auction will run until the last bid has stood for 24hrs.
Please make sure to bid in a chain by replying to the previous bidder!

Pot of Gold
1 Stat (Body) (Common)
Mind Stat:
1 Stat (Mind) (Common)