
Created: 29 April 2024, 08:27:02 UTC
Last updated: 29 April 2024, 08:27:02 UTC


"The Coin Counter"

art by toffee-tama

Name: Percivel
Home Island: Jesen, Rosa
Guild: The Collectors Guild
Favourite Colour:  Gold
Likes: Collecting Beayns, well-kept records, and writing
Dislikes: Spending Beayns, dancing, and watching comedies

Description: Percivel is the ever-watchful head banker of Prism Vale, the sole flowerling responsible for keeping beanling's hard-earned Beayns safely accounted for when they're in his hands.

This flowerling's story began on the ever-abundant fields of Jesen. Not much of one for physical work, young Percivel discovered his talents were much better utilized in keeping track of shipments and the delegation of resources. Over time his impressive budgeting skills and commitement to detail caught the eye of the royal family, and Percivel was invited to become the leader of the Collectors Guild, as well as being in charge of the castle's treasury.

Luckily for Percivel, Prism Vale typically is a prosperous society without much need for too much policing of where the Beayns and other resources he watches over come and go. However, his dedication to securing his own collection and ensuring other beanling's belongings are safe have not softened in the least due to this.  After all, as they say in Solei, "When the sun shines long enough, and foolish forget that it could rain," and Percivel would never want to be seen as a fool.