Profile BEAN-00136: Liea

Owned by XXxbunnyloverxX

"my mum is so beautiful I hope to be as beautiful as her!"


Basic Facts:

Gender- Female
Alignment- Lawful Neutral
Guild- Rainbow Guild
Home Island- Rosa Island

Name Pronounciation:  Lee-Ah


A sweet young bean who loves dolling up, she hopes to be a beautiful bride someday even though beans don't get married. She shares the wish of being a bride one day with her wisher. Liea is a bit foolish and naïve but is always open to helping everyone who asks for help. Liea likes her Foster Siblings, Flowers and Hosting Parties. She dislikes Conflict, Spiderlings and The color Black.


Naïve- She is easily fooled and often taken advantage of by others. Being so naïve has led to a few bad experiences.
Happy- She is always smiling and happy, she enjoys making others happy as well.
Hospitable- Liea is always open to hosting parties and hosting small gatherings in her and her mother's home.
Sentimental- Often drifting off into a daydream of her mother's flowering. She loves remembering her fond memories, often being sentimental.
Scatterbrained- Liea is very scatterbrained and occasionally gets side tracked from her tasks at hand.