BEAN-00147: Thimble's Links
Dream is Thimble's sewing teacher. She hopes to become just as good a seamstress as the Flowerling someday.
Dream has taken Thimble on as an apprentice Seamstress. They greatly enjoy Thimble's company and is impressed by how quickly the bean picks up on things.
Aiyla is a good teacher and her foster mother. Thimble looks up to her and believes her to be the most beautiful bean to ever exist.
Her foster daughter whom she loves greatly. Aiyla is overjoyed to have this sweet bean in her life.
Her friend whom she visits frequently. She loves the tea Flutter makes.
Flutter adores when Thimble comes to visit. After all Thimble loves her tea!
Her foster sister, Thimble often follows her around. She looks up to her as a role model.
Her foster sister Liea adores her. She giggles whenever she seas Thimble following her.
Being an apprentice seamstress means she gets to watch Nana's shows! She also gets to help with this amazing Actress's Costumes.