Profile BEAN-0074: Sirena

Owned by XXxbunnyloverxX

I can totally make you fall in love with me!


Basic Facts:

Gender- Female
Career- Thief Extraordinaire

Alignment- Chaotic Neutral
Guild- Prowler Privateers
Home Island- Versi Island

Name Pronounciation:  Sigh-Rin-Ah


Sirena is a complete disaster but thinks she is smooth and likes to flirt. She often makes people very uncomfortable with her unwarranted flirting. Being super adventurous she often finds herself in odd places especially when searching for treasure.  Sirena has one major flaw, she is a major kleptomaniac! Spiderlings are her greatest fear and she avoids them like the plague.  She likes Flirting, Shiny Objects, and Adventures. Sirena dislikes Spiderlings, Dulcette, Being Scolded, and Cooking. 
     She often tries to help her friend Tack with his flirting even though she isn't good at it herself. When Tacks flirting gets him attention she gets this odd feeling in her chest. What is this feeling? She often brags about her many adventures and the things she 'finds' on them. Being the complete airhead that she is she never realizes that certain things aren't ok and that some things are dangerous. When the evil Dulcette scolds her she just nods along while tuning the other flowerling out.  


Confident- There is nothing Sirena can't do and nothing she can't obtain. All she has to do is put her mind to it.
Thrifty- She is always finding deals and getting things for pretty much nothing.( often for free to others great disapproval)
Persistent- Never giving up once she gets started on something, especially when she starts flirting. Sirena often makes other beans flee from her due to her persistent and unbearable flirting. 
Impulsive- She often does things without thinking them through. "Oh a shiny I want that," is often how it goes.
Materialistic- Sirena loves shiny and pretty things, she tends to hoard them in a secret hidden hide out.

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