MYO-BEAN-0066: Chocolette's Links

Relationship Status: Enemy
A magical girl and a pain in here butt.
One of the twins who are always out to do bad. At least they aren't very good at it!

Relationship Status: Family
Here elder twin sister and the maker of all the plans. She can't wait till she and Strawberry take down those pesky magical girls.
Her twin and partner in crime! The twins will always fight together. All Chocco has to do is follow after her!

Relationship Status: Enemy
Chocotte worries about this hotheaded bean even though they are enemies.

Relationship Status: Enemy
This one is the leader of the magical girls and a pain in her sister's side. Chocottee can't wait to beat this magic bean/

Relationship Status: Enemy
Chocottee considers this magical girl pretty but that won't change the fact they are enemies!

Relationship Status: Enemy
She likes this ones ears too bad they are a magical girl.

Relationship Status: Enemy
She finds this magical girl a little creepy but she can't figure out why.

Relationship Status: Enemy
This one looks like the moon at times, and reminds her of sunshine. It makes her extra annoying.