Profile MYO-BEAN-0067: Strawbette

Owned by Ceru

"Beware, for the twins of evil have arrived!"


Basic Facts:

Gender- Female
Alignment- Lawful Evil
Guild- TBA
Home Island- Azul Island

Name Pronounciation:  Straw-Bet


She and her twin sister are always at odds with the famous magical girl squad. Strawbette considers herself as the brains of the operation. Always making plans to capture the annoying magical girls she often sets traps. Her plans always fail but that is ok she will just come up with a better plan later! The only person she can ever trust and rely on is her sister Chocottee. Strawbette loves her sister Chocottee she also likes Spicy Food and the Snow. She greatly dislikes Annoying People, The Heat adn Rosa Island. 


Self Centered- She mostly only thinks of herself. Everything should center around her and her sister! 
Enthusiastic- Strawbette is always happy to perform her 'evil' deeds. 
Loud- Always outspoken and rarely keeps her voice an, 'indoor voice'
Smart Mouthed- Snarky and always ready to argue