Profile MYO-BEAN-0098: Laelia

Owned by Spottednova

A very kind, motherly flowerling who lives on Rosa Island. She runs a large, open shelter known as the Rainbow Orchid Gardens, where beanlings can live indefinitely if they have nowhere else to go. Beans get their own rooms- or can choose roommates if they wish- and all share a community garden and living area that is inside a greenhouse filled with plants from across all islands and even from other worlds! She can usually be found tending to the plants in the garden, or helping prepare food, or otherwise hanging around the shelter's gardens and making it a welcoming, lively place to be.

(If you'd like your beanling to be living at in the Rainbow Orchid Gardens, feel free to request a link to her on! The shelter is open to all.  Likewise, feel free to check her links page to see who else would be hanging around the gardens. :) )

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