[Open] Headless Horse Bean

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Ceru

Mist rolls over a sleepy little village. Guests lounge around the fire that fills the room with pine-wood smoke as branches scratch along old fogged windows. A familiar wrinkled face settles into an old rocking chair as a hush settles over the room.
"Let me tell of you of a tale of woe and horrors. It starts on a night like this, in town much like our own . . ."

Pixel Profile Decor - Night Sky (F2U) by Jars-Of-Clods 

The Headless Horse Bean

SB: 30$

MI: 1$

If bidding reaches 60$, the design comes with a major familiar. 


Ear Type: Fluffy (Uncommon)
Feeler Type: Other - Feeler (Legendary) (Horns)
Wing Type: Butterfly (Common)

Mutations - Body:
Fluffy Cheeks (Common)
Fairy Kisses (Rare)
Veil (Uncommon)
Skirt (Uncommon)
Floral Growths (Legendary) 
Glitter (Legendary) 
 Headless (Legendary)

Mutations - Dew:
Coloured (Common)

Mutations - Tail:
Multi-Tail (Rare)
Torn Wish (Legendary) 
This auction will run until the last bid has stood for 24hrs.
Please make sure to bid in a chain by replying to the previous bidder!




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