Other - Body (Legendary)
Other body designs fall under this category. They can be any style you desire as long as you give Toffee-Tama a heads up on your idea. Known other mutations: iridescence, Elemental Aura (Gem, stars, spirit, cloud, liquid, flaming skull) , furry body, elongated body, furless body, luminescence, cloud growth.
Examples of characters with this trait:
- Iridescence: BEAN-013 | BEAN-00136 | BEAN-00132
- Elemental Auras: MYO-BEAN-0032 | BEAN-0028 | BEAN-00135 | BEAN-00105
- Furry Body: BEAN-0023 | BEAN-0034
- Elongated Body: BEAN-00119 | BEAN-0068 | BEAN-0035 | BEAN-00132
- Furless Body: BEAN-0035 | BEAN-00133
- Luminescence: G-BEAN-0056 | BEAN-0095 | BEAN-0087 | BEAN-00132
- Cloud Growths: BEAN-0086 | BEAN-0040 | BEAN-011 | BEAN-0083
- Transparent Body: MYO-BEAN-0029
- Gem Growths: MYO-BEAN-0029 | BEAN-00121 | BEAN-00120 | BEAN-00100
- Meringue Growths: BEAN-0074 | BEAN-00105 | BEAN-00106 | BEAN-00107
- Tentacles: BEAN-00127 | BEAN-00128
- Extra Limbs: BEAN-0024
- Floral Growths: BEAN-0052 | BEAN-00135 | BEAN-00133